Wednesday 24 July 2013



Photos by D.W.

On me: Tee Zoe Karssen, Shorts Zara, Glasses Quay, Bag Stella McCartney, Shoes Brian Atwood, Jewellery Yuki Mitsuyasu

A quick hello! Sorry I've been a little MIA, but I've been busy locking in my annual ski / snow board trip (USA this year - my fav and during Christmas / new year - double yay!), and been a barre pilates & yoga fly devotee - good to get my fitness back up.

Just thought I'd show off these cute sunnies paired with my off duty go-to designer at the moment Zoe Karssen. Everything on me felt so light today it almost got whisked away by the wind (photo 2). By the way, how cool are these sunnies? A modern twist on a retro shape... I can't stop thinking about how many different outfits I can pair these with.

Speaking of snow trips being booked, I'll be posting up some ski resort and alpine reviews in the next 4 weeks on recent places I've visited. I've only taken up snow boarding in recent years (only skied when I was a kid) so sorry in advance if I don't write too much (at all) about the black diamonds runs. Will keep you posted.


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