Sunday 14 May 2017


Hello Lovers!

Well, it’s been almost 2.5 years and I'm so excited to be back and tell you about all the shenanigans I've been up to...OMG can't wait!

During this time, I’ve soaked up travelling to some of the most breath taking places on earth; discovered new loves, revisited old loves, explored crazy loves, ticked a heap off of my bucket list, and of course, all whilst I nosh my way through (talk about gluttony). 

You will see from my next few posts, it's going to be all about my travels, and will appear in no particular or chronological order. 

I’ll also be compiling some city guides, and am hoping that this will be of some use to you...and it goes without saying, please please leave me feedback, especially recommendations, I'd love to experience your discoveries.

Lastly, I’m also super excited to share with you something I’ve been working on…for a while, my VLOG!!! This won't be just video version of my post (for the lazy buggers that cbf reading all this) but a fun little side project I've started to work on, spontaneously documenting the craziness and going ons in my day (shout out @missjingntonic for the encouragement and Insta Stories for the inspo)! 

Still yet to post my first vlog, but once it's up, I will be letting you know via Instagram @orlanehugh. So please keep an eye out on IG and subscribe to my youtube channel styOfile OrlaneHugh

So till my next post (blog or vlog)xoxo


  1. New York Notes would be awesome...some cool / hip places to visit and bars for cooling off in the July heat! ��

    1. Definitely Sue! watch out for my city guide on my favourite city to visit xxx
