Tuesday 28 April 2020





2 medium brown onions, chopped

1 cup (or 150 grams) mushroom, chopped 

4 sheets puff pastry

450 gram minced pork (*you can also use minced chicken or a mixture of diced potatoes, eggplant, carrots and celery as a vegetarian alternative)

3 tbs tomato paste

2 tbs powered beef bone broth (or 2 cubes of beef stock diluted in 100ml boiling water)

1 tsp ginger paste (or minced ginger)

3 tsp garlic paste (or minced garlic)

1/2 cup water 

1 egg for the egg wash 

1 tbs olive oil 

1 tbs butter 

salt & pepper to taste 


In a pan, heat oil and butter over medium heat. Add chopped onions, stirring and breaking this up. Add in chopped mushroom and brown lightly. Turn off heat and let this mix cool down. 

In a large mixing bowl, combine minced pork (or mince of choice), tomato paste, beef stock / powered broth, water, garlic paste, ginger paste, salt & pepper. Do not overwork the mince. 

Once combined, fold in the onion & mushroom mixture. 

Preheat oven to 180 degrees celsius (for fan forced oven). Line baking tray. 

Cut puff pastry sheets (divide into 9 squares per sheet). Lay this onto baking tray. Using a cup (or anything that will fit within the pastry square), make an indent within the pastry square, then use a fork to poke little holes within the indent (this will help release air whilst it is baking and also cook the meatball faster). 

Use a small spoon (I used a round measuring spoon) to scoop the mince mixture onto the pastry, working within the circular indent.

Pop this into the oven for 25 minutes (check regularly to make sure it doesn't burn). 

At the 15 minute mark, glaze the pastry with the egg wash, and pop it back into the oven for another 10 minutes (or until pastry is golden and meatball is  cooked - test this by sticking a toothpick or fork in the middle, and if it comes out clean, the meatball is cooked!). 

Let cool on a baking tray and serve or garnish with small basil leaves on top!

Bon appétit xOxo 

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