Wednesday 26 June 2013



Photos by me

Jewellery organiser Howards Storage World, Jewellery Vintage Cartier, Bauble Bar, Honestly WTF, House of Harlow, Alexander McQueen, Sass & Bide, Yuki Mitsuyasu, Maria Calderara, Shourouk, Miansai, What Women Want, Erickson Beamon, Eddie Borgo, Cat Hammill

Ok, I must admit (and my friends can attest to this) I have a problem! Never mind the addiction to shopping,...I have OCD! I'm a neat freak (and germaphobe, but I'm not ready to talk about that yet, we shall save it for a future post) and there's many a night where I was not able to fall asleep because my mind was so focused on the 'mess' that I've actually gotten out of bed to spring clean. There you go - a peak into my psyche, please don't judge me haha.

Don't worry though, this post isn't about my weird obsessions, but rather, a good (discovery) spawn out of my obsession with organising.

Many of my jewellery pieces are vintage (thanks to my aunt and grandmother's closet) and or discoveries during my travels and places I have lived. Needless to say, a lot of the original boxes that it came in are long gone. Unlike my handbags and shoes (yes, I keep all my shoes in their original boxes and in their dust bags, and yes, I hate dust), dust bags for some of the more delicate jewellery pieces will not cut it. Not only do you run the risk of having those glass beads crushed, metal plates scratched, there's the (gulp) risk of losing them in gaps between other bits and bobs in your closet.

I've been shopping around for a nice jewellery box for some time. But everything I came across were too small (made for photo-shoots / film sets only) or too 'display-like' (i.e. for shops)... until I came across this jewellery organiser. Not only is it stackable - you could potentially build a pillar by the corner of your room, and no one would have guessed it's actually holding all your jewellery, no joke (not to mention, it makes the 'shop and hide from your partner' thing a whole lot easier too...), the trays,  which are sold separately, comes in an array of different compartment configurations for you to mix and match to your heart's content. Oh, and the flock lining is in a tasteful neutral colour. I came across many others that were lined in bright red or black - which meant a speck of dust would have stuck out like a sore thumb - can you imagine how sleep deprived I would be by then?


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